Recent Clips

All Joy & No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting. It weaves around but is ultimately a really fascinating read about happiness, purpose and parenting.

I’m a trendsetter, apparently. Why the Next Pop Culture Wave Might Be Libraries.

After Haiti: The Chaos of U.S. Adoptions
An in-depth look at some of the expedited adoptions post-earthquake that brings up some very important questions about international adoption I’ve been wrestling with for a long time. Why are people giving up their children in the third world? What is the best way we can intervene? For the record, “orphan” doesn’t necessarily mean what it does to us around the world. To the U.N. if you’ve lost (or never were connected to) one parent, you are an orphan. In some countries, it is applied to any child who is abandoned.

One response to “Recent Clips

  1. Interesting news story about Haitian adoptions. The Hague convention is supposed to protect the rights of orphaned children, even in non-Hague countries. But when the President overrules signed treaties, then these rights can get ignored. How sad. The adoptive parents rights are secondary to the orphaned childrens rights, that is the premise of the treaty.

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