Hot Chocolate

I’ve become very into hot chocolate the last week or so, drinking at least a cup a day, usually two. I try not to overdo caffeine in pregnancy, so hot chocolate is a very fine option for those extra liquid calories none of us really need. Anyhow, I woke up this morning and thought, “Wow, I didn’t have ANY hot chocolate yesterday!” Then I realized why — I had Yoder Dairies Egg Nog instead. I need to stop using pregnancy as an excuse to pig out!

5 responses to “Hot Chocolate

  1. Are you drinking packaged Hot Choc or homemade? If it’s homemade, please share the recipe.


  2. Right now I still have Ghiradelli Double Chocolate mix from last winter I am about to finish off, but I love the recipe on the side of the Hersey’s Cocoa container. I mix the cocoa, sugar and salt in the bottom of a mug, add a little milk and stir so it is a thick syrup consistency, and then fill the mug with milk and heat. You just have to make sure you don’t overcook it, then mix well when hot and add vanilla. The instructions they give require dirtying two mugs and that’s just excessive ;o)

  3. Mmmmm … eggnog.

  4. I made the Nestle’s version (doubled, in a big pot) last night. It was good right when it was done, but I left the stove on warm for some time, which may have been why it got skin on the top and lots of sediment in the bottom. I saved the leftovers, anyway. I can ignore the glop! Mmmmm. Plus marshmallows!!

    Of course, I was a big cocoa drinker two winters ago before I was pregnant, and then I put Kahlua in the mix kind. Mmmmmm! No marshmallows, though ;)

  5. When I lived in Virginia, we used to buy yoder dairy’s chocolate milk in the glass bottle – my favorite!:) Yum!

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