Books and Music, Cheap and Free

We’re still loving Paperback Swap. We’ve received almost 20 books now and setting up the wishlist means we get a steady stream without doing anything at all except send out books as they are requested as they notify us when books we want are posted in the system. It’s really a great site: pay for media mail postage to send out a book, get a credit when the book is recieved and then get any book you want for that credit! If you list nine books, they’ll give you 3 credits to start out (Full disclosure: if you click on our link, we get a credit if you register and list nine books)

Another great site I used recently is emusic. If you sign up, you get 25 legal mp3s for free. They have a good selection of music from independent and smaller label artists, I could have definitely found 500 songs I’d love to have without any trouble. I get nothing from emusic if you sign up, I’m just passing it along!

4 responses to “Books and Music, Cheap and Free

  1. We are still loving PBS too. The campus free store makes it all the sweeter as I go through those books every so often and choose ones I think will go on PBS!

    I just got a bunch of E. Nesbit books and am really looking forward to reading them with my girls!

  2. I also like the PBS- we have gotten a couple of books recently that I had been trying for over a year to get at our library.

    Off topic- I read “You Cant Make Me…” a few years ago. It was pretty interesting, I really like the Creative Correction book by Lisa Welchel- which is a little different, but we are entering the age where her ideas start to work.

  3. we’ve really enjoyed PBS as well!! thanks to you! emusic sounds interesting, too….we’ll check it out.

  4. Also, Paper Back Swap also has a CD swapping service too at It is cheaper than others by about 50 cents. They also have the same rules and conditions as PBS as well.

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