Odds & Ends

This have been a crazy week. I got sick Monday. Short stomach thing. No fun. Among other busy-ness, my grades are due Friday.

Amanda made TPWC Sherried Tomato Soup for community group. To die for!

New Obama video by will.i.am & friends, it wasn’t enough yesterday.

Another positive review of The Jesus Storybook Bible.

5 responses to “Odds & Ends

  1. I made that for my CG last week. Man, it was amazing. yay for pioneer woman!!!!

  2. I’m more than curious…why is it you are supporting Obama? When you have time.

  3. I made the soup for my community dinner last week, too! How many of us were cooking PW style recently?? It was good, but I think I might like it better sherry-less.

    Hang in there with all the crazy, Kristen.

  4. I thought awhile before writing this, as this is your blog and your life, but I have been reading it for two years and have developed such an admiration for you in general (although our political opinions are different) that this post bugged me enough that I realized I had to write.

    To the commentor who asked the question, Kristen wrote this earlier: “If it is McCain v. Obama in November, I’m voting for Obama. I know that on the issues no candidate is farther from me, but Obama will at least catalyze the Republican party to change the way they deliver their message.”

    And I reiterate: you can vote for whoever you want based on whatever reason, this is the United States and it is your right to do that.

    And yet. The posting of the Obama video above really troubled me, since you admit that you don’t support him on the issues. And you suggest that you see pushing for Obama as a way to try to get the GOP to realize its appeal is outmoded. And in a world where I could vote for the candidate I most supported, I would not vote for Obama, either.

    However, I understand the ideas that went into that video, and the reason that they speak to so many people is not the music, and not the pictures, but the fact that so many, many people want a change in government. In short, I don’t think they are supporting Obama just because he has good videos. What that video shows is a group of people who have laudable goals expressing their hopes that things could change in the United States.

    So when you post it although you apparently do not share those hopes or those people’s ideas, it seems cynical. It seems like you are making fun of people who actually believe those things, or suggesting that they don’t believe them, they just like the video. Maybe I have misunderstood you all those years, or I misunderstand you now, but I think that that is unworthy of you. It’s really uncool to make fun of people’s deeply held beliefs or to play down their very real frustrations with the U.S. the way it is now, and it bugs me to see you do something that implies that you would that.

    I apologize for bothering you.

  5. I also wrote this about Obama:
    “Barack Obama is young, and relatively inexperienced. He skipped a good number of votes in the Senate. But, every time I’ve heard him, I’ve been impressed with his ability to listen to others and find consensus. He’s intelligent enough to surround himself with the best advisors and listen to them.

    I actually think Obama winning this election might be the best thing that’s happened to the Republican Party since Reagan. It would give incentive for the Republicans to figure out that the reason they aren’t connecting with young voters isn’t their policy but their delivery. Conservatism needs a new voice, and I think a sound defeat in the election will help usher it in.”

    I like will.i.am’s videos. I am not making fun of them. I was just making sure everyone saw that one since it wasn’t as publicized as the first.

    I am frustrated with the system, and I do think Obama is a capable leader, and I can believe those things without believing his solutions are the right solutions to the problems at hand. Every time I took a candidate quiz, Obama cane in dead last or second to last. I think it’s good and right to know that even if I respect and admire him, his positions are very far from mine. But I would rather acknowledge the problems than ignore them with a vote for McCain.

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