Charlotte’s Web

Just finished reading Charlotte’s Web with Kate. Reading old favorites aloud to my children is one part of parenting I have so looked forward to and it did not disappoint. She has done very well comprehending the story, asking good questions, and even asking me about new words. I love how she keeps asking until she understands the meaning of things, and isn’t satisfied until she gets there.

Anyhow, when Charlotte died, Kate was truly sorrowful and cried out, “Oh Charlotte! Momma, she had to die alone? Poor, poor Charlotte. Wilbur must be so sad. Charlotte was his FRIEND.” After we finished the last chapter, Kate asked me why Fern stopped going to the barn cellar. When I managed to get something across, she replied, “I hope I will always love animals, and I hope I am friends with a spider, even if it will make me so so sad when the spider dies, because spiders do not live long. But maybe I will get to be friends with her baby spider children, too. Yes, I would like to be friends with a spider like Charlotte.”

Seriously, warm happy mom fuzzies out the wazoo. I tried to hold out on chapter books until Lexi could participate some, and she was able to sit with us and sort of listen, but it was certainly not the same. I know I am behind on book reviews, I’ll get there soon, if y’all are even interested in hearing what I think about what I’m reading at all.

10 responses to “Charlotte’s Web

  1. *mush, mush*

  2. Becca enjoyed Charlotte’s Web too. It sounds like Kate was comprehending a little more than Becca did. It will be interesting to see how much more Becca comprehends in a year.

  3. Oh I can’t, can’t, can’t wait for this with Charlotte, what a sweet story. (Hm, I hope my Charlotte doesn’t over identify with Charlotte the spider…)

  4. Yes, I love your book reviews. Gives me ideas of what books I want to read next! So, keep ’em coming. :)

  5. You raise an interesting point, Tricia. I think I am glad I held off as long as I did. Though reading good literature has merit even if it isn’t comprehended as well, there’s something neat about sharing a story with Kate, and being able to really talk about it and I would have missed out if I had read it when I first thought I would. Generally, teaching, read alouds should be above students’ reading level, but not too far, 3 or 4 years. I would expect an average child to read CW at 8. She’s 4.5 now. But I would have read it to her at Lexi’s age (3.) I am definitely keeping that in mind as I choose our next stories.

  6. What a great dialogue with Kate!

  7. such joy! i totally know. just wait until you read the chronicles of narnia with her!

  8. A great book and one of my childhood favorites. You’ve inspired me to start reading chapter books with Leah.

  9. As a parent, this was one of my favorite transitions from picture to chapter books read-aloud. My husband also enjoyed reading books he missed as a boy. We have two girls also and he had never read The Little House series, Anne of Green Gables, Betsy & Tacy, The Secret Garden, and The Little Princess. We had some serious competition going over who would get to read what….

    Enjoy this stage. It’s wonderful!

  10. How precious :-) Thank you for sharing Kristen xo

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