
I got tagged by Jeannette. I’ve ducked a few memes lately, so it’s time for me to answer one.

10 years ago. I can’t begin to remember. Still Assemblies of God. Sarah K was my best friend. Trying to figure out high school and life in general. Played a lot of soccer.

5 years ago. Fall of my sophomore year in college. I was leading small group for InterVarsity, living on the 10th floor of a high-rise freshman dorm (the penthouse suite) and loving Carolina life. I took at least two religion classes that semester that I loved, the History of the Christian Tradition and Intro to Judaic Civilization, and it was also the semester of infamous Greek 3.

1 year ago. Figuring out how to be a stay at home mom. Exploring Richmond. Enjoying Kate as she got more interactive.

Yesterday. Got up, got ready, attended both Sunday School and the Worship service at Church, stayed after for lunch, relaxed, took Kate to the nice outdoor mall and spent some gift card $ at Baby Gap. I got a cute long-sleeve one-piece for Lexi and a 3/4 length striped boatneck shirt for Kate that I really like, both clearanced. Made mashed potatos and green beans to go along with the leftover crockpot chicken for dinner. Went to bed obscenely early.

5 snacks I enjoy.
Good chocolate. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. Tiarmisu, Cheesecake & Harvest Cheddar Sunchips

5 songs I know all the words to. I know all the words to a lot of songs. I am that kind of girl. Here are a random smattering – “At the Name of Jesus” — a good hymn. If I get going, I can sing all eight verses. “Matthew’s Begats” by Andrew Peterson – the geneaology of Christ. “Lullaby” by Pedro the Lion — reminds me of my freshman year in college. “My Name is Jonas” by Weezer — reminds me of high school. “Carolina in my Mind” by James Taylor — I’m a Carolina girl, after all.

5 things I’d do with $100 million. Tithe. Pay off all our debt and save some. Buy a house and new cars. Get new wardrobes for Mike and I. Give the vast majority away.

5 places I’d run away to. London, Tuscany, Hawaii, St. Lucia & Western Colorado.

5 things I’d never wear. I’m with Genevieve and Jeanette–I will never, no never wear a fanny pack. Big shoulder pads. Really spikey heels. Those awful bleached jeans from the 80s. Lingerie as a shirt (what’s up with that lately?).

5 favorite TV shows. House, M.D., Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Without A Trace, CSI. Whatever happened to sitcoms?

5 biggest joys. Watching Kate’s personality bloom, Mike’s steadfast love and help, learning new things, the Divine Service (I miss Redeemer!) and spending time with friends.

5 favorite toys
. iPod, digital camera, pouch, sewing machine, computer.

5 people I want to pass this on to. Who wants to be tagged? Bob, Eucharis

7 responses to “Meme

  1. Hey, you’re supposed to pick the victims! LOL.

    You’ve got a good list of books there. *starts copying down titles and authors*

  2. I’ll give it a shot.

  3. I’ll do it later today. I can’t remember the last time I did a meme!

  4. It’s really funny to see you post under your internet name, Mrs. Eucharis.

  5. I agree, Sarah. I spent more than a second debating whether Eucharis should be in quotation marks… ;o)

  6. I did this list for myself (since I don’t have a blog), and happily noted that 5 years ago tomorrow, I was engaged (on my parent’s 31st anniversary no less!)Thanks for the reminder.


  7. You need a blog, Rebekah!

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