Category Archives: family life

Parental Ponderings?

I am realizing more and more both how far I am from the baby stage and how much I want to remember some of the things I discovered along the way. Is that something y’all are interested in reading about? I hope we have more children someday and I plan to record these thoughts SOMEwhere sometime soon…

Some Thoughts on MLKjr Day

We spent some time yesterday on youtube, watching “I Have a Dream” and the last speech from Memphis. We watched Walter Cronkite tell the nation about King’s death. And I found a neat roughly animated bit on the Children of Birmingham.

Talking to Kate about it was interesting. Trying to get her head around such hate was difficult. When the camera panned to the audience during I Have a Dream, she asked, “are those the Christians?” It was a reminder to me that God’s people will break her heart and disappoint her. Not sure how to prepare her for that but it’s something I will think about.

There is this part of the speech, “I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.” Kate smiled at me when she heard it. She told me that was true at Cornerstone.

It’s not always easy to talk to kids about race, hate, prejudice, and injustice. I realized we need to be having more of these conversations.

Choosing Thanksgiving

There are always disappointments, things left undone or some circumstance that is just not fair.

It’s hard to be a grown-up.

Today I am choosing thanksgiving. I am carving out peace instead of longing and pain. Accentuating the positive may not eliminate the negative, but sometimes it makes the days easier to bear.

This life magnified with its intense pain and ineffable joys may sometimes feel like a roller coaster, but it’s mine. Trying to learn to stop fighting and go with it.

Only in the Deep South

School was cancelled today because the forecast called for snow. It started snowing about 11. It never stuck. We already have a two hour delay in the morning for tomorrow.

The biggest controversy? Whether severe weather broadcasting would interfere with the game. Mud was slung, promises were made. No one is stupid enough to ever risk that, even if lives were at stake.

Christmas is Almost Over…

and I never got out cards. I wasn’t expecting to, but it’s a weird feeling. It makes me appreciate the cards we got this year even more.

Today was a really stressful day, so this sweet comic relief was very appreciated.

*brushing hair conversation with Lexi.*
“You are the best mommy. When I grow up, I am going to be the best like you. I am going to do what my kids want and take care of them.” (“Oh yeah?”) “Yes. And I am going to take good care of my hu’band and do what he wants.” (“You are?”) “And my hu’band will do what I want, too.”

Life is so simple when you are four.

Happy Birthday, Lexi!

Watch over thy child, Lexi, O Lord, as her days increase; bless and guide her wherever she may be, keeping her unspotted from the world. Strengthen her when she stands; comfort her when discouraged or sorrowful; raise her up if she fall; and in her heart may thy peace which passeth understanding abide all the days of her life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Today was the last day of Kate’s first semester of Kindergarten. She’s enjoyed it so much: her teacher, science labs, Spanish class, singing with her class and in music, everything. Well, not nap time! Her enthusiasm is really encouraging to me, but I am also excited to watch her progress every week with reading, writing and math.

She told us a few weeks ago that she is changing her name to Katie. When I asked her why, she told me she just wanted a name with two syllables. In spite of the fact that she now writes it on every piece of paper she comes in contact with, I am still holding out hope she’ll revert back to Kate! She’s really making connections from what they cover at school to the rest of life. I know in addition to basic phonics, they have been talking about narrators and voice, illustrations and how they tell a story, and other elements of literary analysis. But it still tickles me when we are listening to a Book on CD and she asks, “I know Molly is the main character, but is she the narrator, too?” I asked what she thought and she said, “No, she’s not the narrator, just the main character.”

Her main aspiration is still to be a “hospital doctor.” She is a loyal and faithful friend, a truly caring and kind child, so I can see her working in a field that requires compassion. When she’s at home, she spends a lot of time drawing, capturing our world and even expressing her emotions. I’m glad she’s found an outlet at such a young age and I hope we are able to nurture and encourage it as she grows.

The Joy of Socks

Even though he wasn’t being completely honest, Dumbledore told Harry in the Philosopher’s Stone that when he looked into the mirror of Erised (which shows one’s greatest desire), “I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks… One can never have enough socks. Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a pair. People will insist on giving me books.”

I got a package full of wool socks this week, thin ones and thick ones, and they make me ridiculously happy while they keep my feet warm on our carpet-less hardwoods and tile. Part of the reason they make me so giddy is because someone I love sent them to me, and wearing them reminds me that I am loved. Friendship is such a beautiful thing.


On the cusp of turning four, Lexi is such a delight. Today I went to hang out with a friend with an infant, and she “babysat” while we talked, going through books and telling baby Hannah all about them. She was so sweet and yet expressive and hilarious all at once. It seemed to perfectly capture her spunky yet gentle personality.

Yesterday we were driving and Lexi asked, “Do you know what I want to be when I grow up?” “What do you want to be, Lexi?” “Fashionable.” Last week, she wanted to be “an ice cream girl.” I tried to explain that she could be an ice cream girl, and then get another job later, but she insisted that was the only career she wanted. Ice cream girl, and mom. She anticipates having 11 children, six girls and five boys.

Her joys: dressing fashionably, ballet class, playing INSIDE, strawberry shortcake on DVD, chocolate, cuddling, balloons, headbands, princesses, the color pink and starbucks.

When the weather clears, she is due for a photo shoot. I can’t wait to see what she picks out to wear!

MRI in the Morning

I am getting an MRI of my spine in the morning. It’s hard to know how to feel, it’s been a hard year for me, physically. I hope they find something treatable. Real hope for a day without pain is hardly something I remember.

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

I didn’t grow up doing the Santa Claus thing, so maybe I don’t understand what I am missing, but we have avoided it thus far. We try to be minimalistic about gifts and possessions in general and it works for us. We decided to try to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day, and when we remember (I think it’s been twice in the last three years, thank you Google calendar) the kids set their shoes out the night before and find them filled with candy. We talk about giving gifts in secret and fighting for truth (“You can only hit heretics.”) But, speaking of the historical Saint Nicholas always leads to Kate asking if he is still alive. We’re trying not the be that family. This year we told them we only talk about Santa in our family, he’s our secret. Not sure how successful that will be. Any suggestions for how to handle this? Last year Kate told her best friend Santa was dead, but the friend did not believe her, worrying as they get older this will not work itself out so well…

Seeds Family Worship

A few posts back I talked about these cds – we hadn’t had them for very long, so my assessment was basically that they were much better musically than the scripture songs I grew up with. As we’ve lived with them and listened to them, the girls and I have grown very fond of them. If they are playing in their room, they turn on their CD player and listen. They sometime sleep with them playing softly. Then they are stuck in all of our heads, in a good way. Scripture we start meditating on, without even trying.

I have a coupon code for 20% off that you can use – KSTEWART09 – it doesn’t expire until January 10th, 2010. All the CDs come packaged with two copies, so you can share with a friend or ministry (Cornerstone Schools of Alabama would love some more!). Our favorites are Seeds of Courage, Purpose and Encouragement.