
I was so angry when I heard about Britney Spears driving at least two miles with her son on her lap, but felt better today to know that Child and Family Services is investigating. Do I think they should take her son away? No. Do I hope she gets scared enough to remember that she and her family are not invincible? Yes.

9 responses to “Grrrrr

  1. Apparently, she was fleeing from the paparazzi at the time. She had taken him out of the back to play with while her bodyguard was getting coffee and the paparazzi swarmed, so she quickly drove off.

    Not that I care, because I don’t…

  2. yeah, well, if you look at the pics, all of them, one can tell by the expressions that she doesn’t seem to be in a scared state of mind. Too many smiles. And the investigation has been closed. ARGH!

  3. I just linked to the article. I think I probably would have done the same.

  4. silivreniel

    well since she has been such a stellar example of the pregnant/new mom already, with her cigarettes and k-fed’s reported marijuana–ugh…

  5. Yea, these are the really big issues in life… the blogosphere is sooo important!

  6. As a parent, car seat safety is a pretty big issue in life!

  7. although I agree that it’s unsafe to drive with your baby in your lap, we gotta admit that we don’t know the specifics of the situation,and she used her judgment on what she thought was less risk to her baby. Her judgment may or may not have been off, and it’s not our place to condemn what she does as a mother as long as she is seeking to do the best for her baby. I can’t imagine how much criticism I’d be under if my life as a mother was so publicized.

  8. At the very least, I have no idea why she didn’t hand him to the bodyguard so she could focus on driving (and perhaps he could stick him in the back.) All accounts maintain that they weren’t trying to get in the car or anything. I have an uncle who is blind in one eye and has limited vision in the other from being unsecured in the front seat as a child and I am generally a car seat nazi.

  9. Or let the bodyguard drive while she strapped him in. Maybe she’s just a ditz…

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