3 out of 4 ain’t bad

We also got some video of Kate egg hunting, perhaps I’ll upload that someday… I have a lot of pictures to upload…

easter girls and dad

9 responses to “3 out of 4 ain’t bad

  1. Laura Leigh

    Omigosh…how cute is that!!

  2. Hehe. Evelyn has the same shoes as Lexi and hers are a size too big, so they look big on her too.

  3. Those are the smallest size they have (2) and she’s already outgrown her newborn crib mary janes (0)… I hunted around for some size 1s I liked but to no avail!

  4. Beautiful! they’re both so big since we last saw them! One of them wasn’t even on the outside yet. :)

  5. E. has size 3 in soft pink, and size 4 in white. Pink fit perfectly, but I liked the shoes so much I wanted them around for awhile and bought them in the bigger size as well.

  6. Miz Booshay

    Great photo!!!

  7. Really, so cute!!!

  8. ADORABLE!!!!!

    Maria~Angelica can’t keep shoes on or socks for that matter. Her feet are so tiny tiny her 0-3 shoes still fit and she is still wearing her layette nighties too! Such a little peanut! Your dd are so BEAUTIFUL! The baby looks like you Kristen and your little girl’s pigtails and Mary Jane’s are just darling! Oh so much to look forward to with a dd!! LOL!

  9. Rebecca (gamomof2)

    What a sweet picture! I *love* Lexi’s shoes!

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