6 Degrees of …

… or it’s a small (Reformed) world after all!

I am growing increasely fascinated by the list of signatures gathered for the Presbyterians Together document. It’s getting rather bad. I’m checking the list a couple of times a day, and I really don’t know why. I guess it’s the Facebook of the post-college Reformed world (“Who signed on today?” “I don’t know, but did you know that HE signed?”).

There are probably a boat load of great games that can be created out of the list of names. Like, connecting people by six degrees of real contact (e.g., like really worshipped together for an extended period of time, married to so-and-so, who is so-and-so’s relative, etc… I’d be willing to venture that Rick can be connected somehow to most people on that list). I already noticed that there is a father/son-in-law pair on the list. I wonder how many of those or like things are on it. We really need to get the statistic guys from MLB to analyze the list.

Anyhow, enough of this jest. I hear it’s a really good document. I printed it out and its sitting on my desk waiting to be read, perhaps during the 7th grade Latin test tomorrow.

17 responses to “6 Degrees of …

  1. Well, in spite of our involvement with MTW, I feel like I don’t have the scope of PCA ties that I get glimpses of so often. But I opened the doc, and whaddya know? The third name listed, Paul Alexander, I know quite well. Adore his wife. Love the details of the ceilings of their flat in Odessa. . .

    I’m interested in your thoughts on the document itself. . .

  2. Saw Barb Harvey and Joel Garver listed. . . Interesting endorsements. ..

  3. And it’s interesting to note who isn’t listed. A few people that come to mind, I wonder whether it is simply non-interest, or rather non-endorsement?

  4. Yeah, I’m actually related to everyone who has signed it so far…

  5. Actually, I started counting how many people I knew in person, but I quit at about 60…

    Silly. You guys didn’t sign…I’m curious to know who is not endorsing it too.

  6. Well, you haven’t signed either!

    I haven’t read the document yet, so I shouldn’t sign.

  7. maybe RICK hasn’t signed because he’s not an actual PRESBYTERIAN??

    I used to be, but I gave it up for Lent one year and never went back…

  8. I love seeing old names of people I knew in seminary and getting some reassurance that they might not already have a verdict in place in their minds when they meet me again.

  9. Well, Daniel Stoddart signed and he’s Anglican. Also, you have some from the Dutch Reformed tradition, so I think the requirement is some sort of “Reformed”-ness.

    The rhetoric against you, Mark, is incredible and the level of discourse employed makes me want to join the Anglicans … but then I read other blogs and see their problems.

    Lord, have mercy.

  10. One of the things I like to keep up on is the Ministry Transitions in the PCA. (We used to get it via email, through MTW. . .)

    I must not have been reading it lately. Looking through the signatories, I see a lot of changes among those we knew in N TX Presbytery. . .

  11. Matt Harper is supposedly within 2 degrees of anybody in the Reformed world. Or used to be anyway.

  12. Tulip Girl—North Texas Presbytery???? Did you live in North TX at some point? :)

  13. I think we’d have to have a larger Anglican group than Daniel Stoddart to make me interested in signing.

  14. sweetpea, New Life in Midland was our home church in the late 90s. We visited a lot of churches in the DFW area before moving overseas. Maybe we’ve met and don’t even realize it. *g*

  15. TulipGirl–you never know! We were at Park Cities Pres…..:) Blessings…

  16. Right, Rick, but you and Rachel could write a nice piece showing how charity could help the church courts (and keep unnecessary stuff off their dockets).

    Wow, TulipGirl, I was in NTXpby for three years. I didn’t know that was your point of origin.

  17. sweeetpea, PCPC had a wonderful team come over to Ukraine just a couple of years ago, when we were still there, to help with marriage and family conferences. Lots of neat people. *Grin*

    Mark, I didn’t realize y’all had been in NTX. Or, maybe I had read that at some point and just didn’t connect it.

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