Not Ashamed

I’m not ashamed to be really happy that we are back in a market that shows the Gilmore Girls. And I’m not ashamed that I hate FOX for airing baseball instead of House. I’m also not ashamed that we normally record House and watch it after the Gilmore Girls since they are both on at 7p.

I don’t think I’m quite a TV junkie (I only watch four shows!) but we’ve come a long way from the TV-free days of the first half of our marriage.

7 responses to “Not Ashamed

  1. I’m with you on both of those– although Gaines refuses to watch Gilmore Girls. And I swear we’re not TV junkies, or at least we try not to be…we just watch House, Lost, The Office…we usually tape them and watch them later. And we watch TV on DVD (the best way)– this summer we covered all seasons of Jeeves and Wooster, the past seasons of House, a season of Monk, and now we’re finishing up season 2 of LOST before the premiere.

    However, last Tuesday and this Tuesday we have been playing trivia so were away from home, and last week we couldn’t tape either House or Gilmore Girls because our cable was out. This week, I forgot to tape Gilmore Girls. Argh. You don’t happen to have last week’s episode of House on a tape we could borrow, do you?

  2. Laura Leigh

    I too am a Gilmore Girls fan, but it’s been so frustrating lately. Why do they keep making bad decisions? Why is Luke so stupid? I must confess the whole Lane being pregnant thing was really cute. I think half of what makes the show so great is a very entertaining supporting cast. They’re so fun and quirky.

  3. That’s where we are – with about the exact number of shows. We’re about to hack the extended cable, though, to save a few bucks a month. Still, that’s a far cry from the “no TV” days, as you say – back when we just got some videos and DVDs from the library.

  4. I used to be much more of a junkie than I am now. I am not even following House. I used to love Gilmore Girls and I rarely remember to turn the TV on Tuesday nights. I’m not sure what happened.

  5. We watch our fair share, too. Via Netflix. It’s much easier to wait several months for a season to be released than it is to wait week to week.

    Gilmore Girls was our “feel good” TV when we were in Ukraine, and we swapped dvds among our team members.

  6. Also not ashamed to be upset that baseball has replaced House for the next few weeks. We love that show!

  7. Netflix here, too. We don’t actually have TV. We mostly watch A&E and BBC stuff, Hubby mixing in old episodes of Deep Space 9 here and there, and LOST. Can I say how much I LOVE John Locke?

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