Life is a Vapor (Teeth, Too)

Kate had an accident today. She tried to climb up the dresser that has our TV on it and pulled the dresser and TV over. She knocked out one of her front teeth and the other is loose.

It was scary. I watched it as I walked into the room from doing laundry, and rushed to lift the heavy TV off her face as she squirmed out from under the dresser. If our bedroom was larger and the fall had been cleaner, she would have suffered very severe injuries, and very likely could have died. Our bookshelves and some of the dressers are bolted securely to the wall, this dresser is not flush with the wall (it forms a 45-45-90 triangle with the corner) and was not secured, for lack of creativity. I was able to remain calm and Kate was very calm and brave throughout the ordeal and was perfect at the pediatric dentist’s office. Our sweet neighbor helped me get the kids ready and followed me down so she could watch Lexi in the lobby while I stayed with Kate for her exam and x-rays.

I am very thankful that her injuries weren’t worse, but I mourn the loss of her front teeth. A piece of her childhood is gone forever, and the vanity motherhood brings will miss them, forever. I will tear up as I prepare her soft food and clean her bruised and bloodied face. I will cringe when people ask me about them. But I know that she is beautiful and life goes on.

Kate the Brave

16 responses to “Life is a Vapor (Teeth, Too)

  1. Ow! We’ll be praying for you all … for the physical and emotional pain.

  2. Oh, poor Kate! And how scary for you. I’m so glad she’s alright. Praying for quick healing.

  3. Oh gosh! I’m so sorry; that must have been terrifying. I’m glad she’s mostly okay though.

  4. Oh my! I hope the recovery will be quick.

  5. How scary! I’m glad that she is ok.

  6. What a scary ordeal. We’re glad Kate is okay. We’ll be praying for you guys and thanking God for his mercy and safety for Kate.

  7. ::hug:: i was tearing-up reading that. i would feel the same way. i’m so glad she’s okay. jude pulled his dresser down on top of him and got a mean looking bruise on his leg — it was really scary without a heavy tv falling. ::hug, love, etc::

  8. Oh my gosh, how frightening. So glad she’s OK.

  9. Really, really sorry. Thankful on your behalf that it wasn’t what it could have otherwise been.

  10. I’ve heard of things like this happening — but how terrifying for you to go through it. I’m so glad Kate will be okay. Praise God.

  11. Yikes! Praise God for His preserving hand!!!

    We’ve been there and done that – Stephen knocked out one of his front teeth and the other has been somewhat loose ever since. Adrienne and I were pretty upset. Ever the clever entertainer, the first thing Stephen asked was, “Can we go buy a new one at Mal-Mart?” I wish.

    Your daughter is beautiful – we’ll just all highly anticipate our children turning 6/7, and the ensuing orthodontia, no?

  12. Scary!!! My heart would have stopped! I’m so glad she’s ok!

  13. Oh, bless your heart! I’ve been in that situation – on both ends of it as a matter of fact. Several years ago my oldest daughter had a tree trunk fall on her and crack her skull, and when I was five years old, I climbed a TV and had it fall on my foot, breaking all the bones. I can tell you from experience that it’s far worse being the uninjured mom than being the injured child.

  14. That is so horrible and traumatic. Poor little girl. We will be praying for you!

  15. Poor Kate. That must have been terrifying. :( I’m guessing that TV isn’t going back on that dresser again!

  16. Eek! Poor Kate (and poor Kristen, good grief)–but thank God it was her teeth and not something more serious.

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