Hark the Sound

I was extremely pleased to see that Holden Thorp will be Carolina’s next chancellor. Though I didn’t take any of his classes, I did interact with him many times during my college career, mostly in my capacity as the university photographer’s assistant. He was always kind and gracious, and I remember someone telling me then that he would be chancellor someday. In the twenty-first century, it’s wonderful that a man who only applied to one university and came back there to make his career in teaching and research, could be chosen to lead the institution that he loves. He’s also young enough to lead for quite some time, perhaps like Frank Porter Graham. May his tenure be filled with great accomplishments as the University continues to serve North Carolina and the world.

2 responses to “Hark the Sound

  1. Wow! I remember when he became the dean of the college of A&S, that was not too long ago. What a meteoric rise!

    Also, he goes to Holy Family and I remember him as being very involved with the kids programs and with the music programs.

  2. He was my Chem professor… and I don’t actually have fond memories. When my sister was in a near-fatal accident, and I missed a week and a half of school (4 chem classes) and got behind, I went to him for an extension or extra credit (he had daily grades that I had missed), and he said “Your personal life is not my problem. Catch up”
    But, giving the benefit of the doubt is my pleasure, and I’ll just say I caught him on a bad semester. I hope he will do wonderful things for our school! :o)

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