New Stage

With Lexi’s third birthday last month and potty training a distant memory, we are in a new stage of parenting. The girls spend more time playing on their own and are much more patient to listen to longer read alouds at bedtime, etc. Decidedly, this new phase agrees with me. They are hilarious and interesting to talk to. It helps that Lexi is still a cuddlebug, which propels Kate towards more snuggling as well. As far as picture books go, Lexi loves Corduroy and they both enjoy Angelina Ballerina books a great deal. Drawing is a daily activity, I need to do better to get out the paint more regularly. Kate is taking ballet and they both enjoy dancing and singing. Kate has learned a lot of hymns and carols (Red Mountain style), Lexi still clings to “Row Row Row Your Boat” as the ultimate in song. I love having a pair so close together, watching them help each other dress up and listening to them talk to one another is such a joy to me.

4 responses to “New Stage

  1. That’s a great stage. We had hit that point with Jack and Molly, and both of us loved it– in fact, that was when Marcie uttered the words, “you know, if this is how things will be I might be able to handle more children!”

    …And two weeks later discovered she was pregnant (which, yet another week later she would learn was twins!).

    So we’re back to the other stage now, though Jack and Molly are still fun like what you describe above. I’m reading the Narnia books to them, and Jack can’t wait for more. Meanwhile, Molly sings the Gloria Patri, as well as many hymns, with abandon.

  2. That is so sweet. :) I am really looking forward to Gwendolyn turning 3 yo, I think that my girls will be even closer… Gwen is still definitely a 2 yo in many ways, they do seem to be very different ages though they also play well and often snuggle. Charlotte loves to “read” books to Gwendolyn.

  3. Thanks for giving me hope amidst the exhausting stage of parenting my own little boy pair (a 1.5 year old and a baby on the way!).

  4. sarah mosley

    I cannot believe Lexi is three!

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