Fifty Things I Love

Gideon inspired me to do this several years back, before I was married and all that jazz. It was good to do it again. Here’s fifty things I love in no particular order

my husband
my kids
my family — especially parents and siblings
my friends
the church
the Triune God
singing in four part harmony
the Bible
good books
children’s literature
C.S. Lewis’ books
caramel macchiatos
fresh apple cider
good ice cream
good food in general
ethnic food
being crafty (knitting, sewing, etc.)
gerber daisies
beautiful artwork
signs of affection
meaningful conversation
the smell of a baby’s hair
holding small children
the lingering scent of lavendar on clean cloth diapers
my ladies at GCM
my iPod
anything by Andrew Peterson, Randall Goodgame, U2 and Wilco
Mark Williams “What Luther Said”
cello pieces
imagining my children playing stringed instruments
watching Kate dance
getting packages in the mail
comfortable jeans
my red dress
down comforters
exploring new places
reminiscing in old places
feeling my unborn child move in my womb
knowing that God is sovereign over all

9 responses to “Fifty Things I Love

  1. I can agree with exactly 34 of your 50. That’s pretty good odds.

  2. Laura Leigh

    I’m just glad you specified clean cloth diapers. Because the cloth diaper I saw the other day would not be on my list of “Things I Love.” :) But the person who made the dirty diaper and the person who cleaned it would!

  3. What kind of detergent are you using? I want my clean clothes to smell like lavender.


  4. I know 7th Generation has a lavendar scented detergent, but I just put two or three drops of Lavendar essential oil in the rinse cycle. I have it around to make household cleaners (cheap and not chemical-ly!) and it feels wasteful to not spread the lavendar love to laundry. And I can NOT add it if it’s a whole load of Mike’s white t-shirts or something. Lavendar is also good for relaxing massages for babies and adults (a few drops in lotion).

  5. Does “The Triune God” count as three or one?

  6. I’m grinning reading through this.

    I’ve started (and never posted) my Gideon-inpired loved things post. . . Maybe I’ll go ahead and finish it this week.

  7. It made me feel really good to do, A, I recommend it!.

  8. I like “imagining my children playing stringed instruments.” I sometimes get tears in my eyes, listening to my Strausslings play the piano, or the violin, or the mandolin.

  9. Pingback: fifty things i love. — fairly ordinary

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