Busy Week

The week after a vacation is always pretty hectic, but this week is particularly so. I came home to a house with no food to speak of, and we had even cleaned out the freezer before we left, so making sure we are all nourished and replenishing the storehouse has been time consuming. I am beginning to tutor a middle schooler in literature, going through his summer reading assignment with him a few times a week. Kate had her one year check-up yesterday. I tried a new pediatrician that was highly recommended to me by a wide variety of moms because I really didn’t like the practice I was in before and I really liked him. He spent a lot of time with us, didn’t talk down to me (big pet peeve at the old office) and was really great with Kate. He has four kids under four years old, so I guess that’s not a big surprise! Finding a good pediatrician is always a plus. And of course, Friday is Harry Potter day so everything will be oriented around getting a bracelet and making sure we get our books in a timely fashion. Because, lets face it, we can’t wait ’til 9:00 Saturday morning.

But I did read a few more books on vacation that I’d love to post about, so look forward to that when I dig myself out of the post-vacation chaos.

7 responses to “Busy Week

  1. what?…you get your HP on friday?..whats that about?….how can you get it before us brits, before us scots?…thats all wrong…because JK is indeed scottish and Hogwarts is most definately in Scotland….

    n x

  2. You can’t get them until midnight on Saturday, but lots of bookstores are having big parties and such Friday night.

  3. Yeah, our local Barnes & Noble has 2700 PREORDERS plus the lazy people who didn’t preorder… so we have to go in at noon and get bracelets and then get there at 8 or so to wait until 12:01a Saturday to get our books.

  4. ok just checking…phew!!!…i will be at the store at 1201 and given time difference…we will get it before you…

    n x

  5. Several of the stores in our neighborhood are hosting a “Diagon Alley” and party. We’re going. *grin* The boys may even make costumes. I suggested we dress as the Weasleys and the four of their boys who are at Hogwarts during the early books–Percy, George & Fred, and Ron.

    But, we preordered our book through Amazon, so I don’t think we’ll buy ours that night. Maybe. We may not be able to resist the temptation. . .

  6. Glad you found a pediatrician you like! We went through three losers before we found our current treasure, about 7 years ago. What a difference a good ped makes!

    I re-read all the HP books a few weeks ago, but I won’t be reading the new one soon – I borrow them from the library and I am #323 on the *hold* list (out of 561 people). My husband and I have come to a compromise about them – he doesn’t mind me reading them but he’d rather we don’t own them. I made him watch the movies with me and he liked them, but he still remembers our pastor’s very negative sermon about HP…

    We haven’t let the children read them – yet. I suggested that we wait and see how Rowling ends them and Danny was happy with that. But – it may not happen at all! My girls tell me they don’t want to read them. None of their friends are allowed and all the church and homeschooling families we know think I’m out of my mind. Big Sigh.

    So, I’ll just be checking lots of blogs next week to get the basic plot to tide me over till I hear from the library.


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