Category Archives: crafting

Love Me Some Pinterest

The girls got some angry birds valentines from Michael’s mom that they filled out to their classmates and were very excited about. In their previous classes it felt like everyone gave small gifts or candy, so I wanted to do a little something without going overboard on time or money. Lexi’s class has a few kids with allergies or who are gluten free, so food / candy stresses me out. I saw an idea on pinterest, spent $3 on glow bracelets, used paper and printable labels I already had, and voila!

Now everyone gets two valentines from Kate and Lexi, they got to practice their handwriting, and I wasn’t stressed. Win-win-win.

Because It’s Tuesday

And Psalm 27:14 is one of my favorite verses of all time, a free printable for you:

[ print up to 11×14 by clicking on the image (jpg) or print this letter-sized PDF ]

Sharing the Love

I love making stuff, so the first five people to respond to this post (from here or on facebook) will get something made by me.

This offer does have some restrictions so please read carefully:
– I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
– What I create will be just for YOU.
– It will be done this year (2009).
– It will be something made in the real world and not something over the internet.
– It might be a mix CD, a knitted scarf, a quilted potholder, poem, baked goods, an original photograph, a poem or a photograph of a poem about baked goods and quilted potholders…who knows! There are other things it might be too, but I promise whatever it is, it will be made for YOU and with YOU in mind!

In return, all you need to do is post this on your blog or facebook and make 5 things for 5 other people.

Void where prohibited, use only as directed, for a limited time only, store in a cool dry place. Let’s keep it going!


I made Kate and Lexi dolls for Christmas, like the doll I made a few months ago.


They are pretty fond of them. Referring to them as “Kate-doll” and “Lexi-doll”, the girls play-act out ordinary life and how they see themselves. It’s honestly pretty interesting! They obliged to be photographed with the dolls in their princess outfits: Continue reading

Little Bird Set

A kind and generous friend gave me some fabric from her stash she was purging. I used this fabric (Michael Miller!) and a $5 shirt from Old Navy, plus some time and effort, and made a birthday gift for a friend of Kate and Lexi’s.

The outfit was completed under the wire so no modeling pics by Kate. You’ll just have to use your imagination for how it looks on. The skirt is straight and then very twirly from mid thigh to just below the knee. The whole thing took me maybe 90 minutes to complete, ironing, fiddling and machine annoyances included.



I made a doll for Kate’s sweet friend Frances’ fourth birthday. It was pretty easy and lots of fun. I’ve never sewn a doll or embroidered anything, and it wasn’t very difficult at all. I used this pattern. Here’s how it turned out:

I was already planning on making Kate and Lexi versions for Christmas, I love making gifts!

Day 14

Trying to finish Christmas dresses…

Dress Distractions

I spent a good deal of time last week sewing dresses for the girls. I am pretty pleased with them, but I think I’ll add some more ric rac about an inch from the hem. The girls weren’t in the modeling mood when I tried to get some pictures, but they did get a lot of compliments at church.  Mostly because they were so BRIGHTLY matching!

Serious Model

Happy Easter!

Alleluia, Christ is risen!

The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia!

Jack of all Crafts, Master of None

I dabble in many crafty activities but remain an “advanced beginner” in most. I’ve been knitting for five or six years and still only make scarves, baby blankets and little baby hats. I’ve resolved to try my hand at knitting Kate or Lexi a sweater for the winter, but… we’ll see. I started sewing a year and a half ago, and have only sewed in the most utilitarian fashion. Dozens of slings (for others) and different styles of baby carriers. A slipcover for a hand-me-down chair. A bit of mending of our clothing. But this week, I sewed a dress for Kate, a dress she does not need, just something for fun. I used elastic for the first time and bias cut fabric to bind the armholes. It wasn’t difficult and it was very enjoyable. A matching top for Lexi should follow, as she’s on the brink of crawling and dresses aren’t the most practical item in her wardrobe and already quite plentiful. After wrestling 2.5 yards of a bottomweight fabric every time I make a sling, children’s clothing is a delight.